Do You Need a Math Tutor?

Math is a foreign language to some people. I am fluent in this language and know how to explain it! I would like to be your Math Tutor.

Pascal's Triangle with Fibonacci Sequence

Pascal’s Triangle with Fibonacci Sequence

I love math! It’s beautiful. It is true–it gives the same answers to everyone.

I tutor math students in grade school, high school and college. Because of COVID-19, I became an online math tutor in March 2020 for anyone, anywhere.

Fractal Image

Please call me to discuss your math tutor needs. I can definitely help you understand math questions (and their answers!).


This is how to graph the equation for a circle as two functions:

Below is another example of my math tutor work. The unit circle, which has a radius of length 1 unit, is located with its center at the origin of an (x,y) coordinate system. Because the hypotenuse is 1 unit long, the cosine and sine of the angle shown is x1/1 and y1/1 respectively.

There are many ways to explain a math concept. To do this well, a math tutor needs to find a way to communicate to students in language they understand. I have examples of this in Math Topics.


*I am a college Math Tutor on Staff at Northwest Indian College (NWIC).